Dear all,

Intranet: We've switched the intranet to a faster server. I hope that it will now be more useful! 

As I told those of you who were at the meeting, I changed the password for everyone to simplify it for those who needed it simplified. (you can change your password if you want; sorry for the inconvenience). The site, user name, and password are:
first_last name (yours, of course; no capitals)
first name (no capitals)

Please let me know if you have any problems.

Talks from Naples: if you are willing to share your talk, please put it into the intranet folder:
documents> meetings_workshops>2013 annual meeting> talks

I will also upload the minutes from the meeting here next week.

Best wishes,

Veronica A. Raker, Ph.D. 
Scientific Project Manager
International and Scientific Affairs

Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG)
C/ Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona
Tel. +34 933160374