Dear all, 

We have two upcoming deadlines:

1. (Another) project interim report: please send me your updates by 25 Sept 

I need to submit a project interim report to the EC at the end of the month. If you can, please update your section(s) of the previous report. I will need your input by 25 Sept. FYI, I am attaching an excel file with internal communication, workshops attended, and publications (to be updated by all), and the Deliverable text (to be updated by the PIs) (these files are also in the Update folder of the intranet docs).

To update, you have 3 options: 

1. (preferred) update the files directly on the intranet that are in the "Updates" folder
2. update these files and send them back to me
3. send me the info to be added and I will update the common files

2. Workshop teaching May 12-15: please send me titles by Monday 16 Sept

Before our annual meeting next year (May 15 afternoon-May 16) at the EBI (Hinxton, UK), we will give a workshop/course at the EBI, from May 12 (afternoon) to May 15 (morning).

The workshop is deliverable D8.7 (Task 8.5); according to the DoW, this workshop "will aim at teaching outside researchers the theoretical and practical aspects of the methods and tools developed during this project"

We now need to fix the talks/schedule. Please find below an outline, where you will find your acronym next to the topic(s) where you could participate. The titles for orientation and not carved in stone (some have been left as TBD). The idea is that these talks will be given by postdocs/PIs from each group. 

Please give me (if possible, by next Monday, 16th Sept) the title of the talk(s) and the names of the speakers from your group. Again, this can be done either in the intranet (in the Update folder) or by sending me the info.
