Dear BioPreDyn partners,

I would like to address a few points:

1. Interim reports: please don't forget that the WP leaders should send me the reports by Sept. 20 at the latest. I will be on vacation until the middle of Sept. and will need to start assimilating the reports as soon as I get back, so it would be highly appreciated if the reports come in on time.

2. PI meeting: I have opened registration for the PI meeting (Barcelona, 29 Oct.). Please register and indicate if we should reserve a room for your overnight stay on 28 Oct.

3. Workshop applications: I am attaching an application form for applying for funding for workshops through BioPreDyn. We will be able to finance up to 3 additional workshops, with up to 2000 Euro for each one, for workshops organized by BioPreDyn members. Applications will be submitted to approval by the steering committee with an open application period (so, first come, first serve). While the format of the workshop is flexible, some participant spots should be specifically reserved for BioPreDyn members. (Note that the application is also available under "documents" in the intranet).

I hope you have had an enjoyable and productive summer. 

Best regards,

Veronica Raker, Ph.D.
Scientific Project Manager
International and Scientific  Affairs
Center for Genomic Regulation 
C/ Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona
Tel. +34 933160374