Dear BioPreDyn PIs,


Please find attached the list of code licenses being used by all the BioPreDyn partners. It can also be found in our intranet.


Best regards,






Olaf Kostbahn

Scientific Project Manager

International Collaboration Office

Center for Genomic Regulation CRG

Carrer Dr. Aiguader, 88

E-08003 Barcelona


Phone: +34 9 33 16 03 74




Systems Biology of M.tuberculosis:



> -----Original Message-----

> From: Yogi Jaeger

> Sent: miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011 15:06

> To:

> Cc: Michela Bertero; Olaf Kostbahn; Silvia Tortola Perez

> Subject: code licenses


> Dear BioPreDyn Partners,


> I am writing to you in my function as the chair of the Innovation Board

> (IB) of our BioPreDyn consortium. As agreed during the kick-off

> meeting, one of the first tasks of the IB is collect information on

> what kind of code licenses are being used by all the BioPreDyn

> partners. It would be great if you could send us a brief description,

> ideally with web links to more detailed information, on the licensing

> schemes you are using or planning to use for software developed within

> the consortium. Please also provide us with information on why you use

> this particular licensing scheme, if possible.


> I would be grateful, if you could send me this information at your

> earliest convenience, but no later than mid January. We will compile a

> document with the different licensing strategies, which will then serve

> as a basis for the discussions of the IB.


> Thanks a lot for your collaboration!


> Best,

> Yogi


> --

> Dr. Johannes Jaeger

> EMBL/CRG Research Unit in Systems Biology

> CRG - Centre de Regulació Genòmica

> Dr. Aiguader 88

> 08003 Barcelona, Spain

> Phone: +34 93 316 02 85

> Fax: +34 93 396 99 83

> Email: or

> URL: