Dear BioPreDyn Work Package Leaders,

(cc: PIs)


This is to gently remind you to kindly submit your interim report contributions by tomorrow. Thanks a lot.


Best regards,








From: Olaf Kostbahn
Sent: jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012 19:28
To: 'Julio R. Banga'; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'Jean-Marie Mouillon'
Cc:; Yogi Jaeger; ''
Subject: BioPreDyn: first short interim report; CA


Dear BioPreDyn PIs,


On 31 March 2012, the first 6-months period of BioPreDyn will end and we have to prepare the first short interim report as a Deliverable to the European Commission on this occasion. Please find attached a template (as well as our Description of Work for your reference) for this purpose.


I would like to ask each Work Package Leader to collect the relevant information from his/her WP collaborators and to return the completed WP Report to me


       before 27 March 2012.


Kindly note that

- text which is highlighted in red indicates your requested input

- each WP report should not to exceed 0.5-1 page

- the format of the template shall not be changed.

Thanks a lot.


Finally, we also received the last countersigned Consortium Agreement. As agreed in October 2011, we will provide every partner institution with scanned copies of all other's partners CA signatures, while the CRG will keep the originals.


Please do not hesitate to contact me in the case of any questions.


Best regards,


