Dear partners in BioPreDyn,

(sorry if you already got this info)

please find below a message from Edda Klipp with a link to an online questionnaire
regarding data, tools and methods used in computational and systems biology.
Since these are at the core of BioPreDyn, I thought you could be interested.


Julio R. Banga

-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: Survey: Tools, Methods, Standards, Collaborations in Computational and Systems Biology
Fecha: Thu, 16 May 2013 18:17:11 +0200
De: Edda Klipp <>
Para: Julio R. Banga <>

Dear Julio,

Currently, we witness intensive research in systems biology on all levels including traditional and emerging experimental technologies as well as proved and innovative modeling approaches. Sustained model development can only be successful, if both worlds can speak to each other in a educated way.
In order to support these processes, we developed a new survey about data, tools and methods used in computational and systems biology.
Because of its rising importance for scientific communication and exchange, we are also interested in the application and development of standardization principles.

I would highly appreciate if you could take a moment to fill the online questionnaire: even partial answers would be helpful.

We would also be grateful if you could send it to your colleagues and collaborators (especially if they are experimentalists working with you).

Here is the link:

The preferential deadline is May the 31st.

Thank you and best wishes,
Edda Klipp

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Edda Klipp
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Theoretical Biophysics
Institute for Biology
Invalidenstr. 42, 10115 Berlin, Germany
Fon + 49 30 2093 9040
Fax + 49 30 2093 8813