Dear all,

At the moment, it seems that our annual meeting will be held from March 5-6, 2013, in Naples. However, several people didn't respond. If this date does not work for you, can you please either sign the doodle ( or let me know directly (i.e. by default I will assume that it is good for you if you don't respond). We will fix this date by the beginning of next week (if it works for the majority), since Diego and Paola (from his scientific office) are already organizing the meeting and need the final date.

As I mentioned yesterday, the PI meeting will be the day of Oct. 29th (starting in the morning).

Finally, just as an advance warning, the interim report should be sent to me by the WP leaders by Sept. 20th.  (I will be on vacation the first 2 Sept. weeks). I will provide the WP leaders with the template to be filled out.

Best wishes,

Veronica Raker, Ph.D.
Scientific Project Manager
International and Scientific  Affairs
Center for Genomic Regulation 
C/ Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona
Tel. +34 933160374