Dear participants,
Tomorrow starts the 12th CRG Symposium: BCN2 - Biological Control Networks in Barcelona<>.
Registration desk opens at 08:30h and at 09:00h we start with the first session.
Check the website for updated info about the event:
See you tomorrow!
PD: Reminder for poster session
The poster session (list of accepted posters available here<>) will be held on tomorrow …
[View More]afternoon. Each poster space is 90 x 120 cm (width x height), which corresponds to A0 VERTICAL format (or 16 pages in A4 format). You can hang your poster any time before the start of the poster session on 30 October in any available poster support. Please collect it before the end of lunch on 31 October. Double-sided adhesive and scissors will be available in registration desk OR near the poster supports.
Blanka Wysocka
Conference & Events Officer,
Sponsorship Area
CRG -Centre de Regulació Genòmica
Dr. Aiguader 88
08003 Barcelona
Ph: +34933160145
Fax: +34933969983
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