Dear all,

The 12th CRG Annual Symposium is already history, but a history imprinted in the minds of 254 people coming from 9 different countries and at least 2 continents. There is still more history (scientific) to be made! And we believe that the extraordinary talks we have had during those days can be an endless source of inspiration. Because of that we would like to share these stories with you.

Confidentiality issues (unpublished data) make it impossible to have all the talks we have had during these two intense days on the website, but here you can find some of them. 


You can also find a brief summary of each day of the symposium, as well as the highlights of all the talks here.

We hope that you have enjoyed this 12th CRG Annual Symposium on Biological Control Networks in Barcelona (BCN2) and that we can continue to inspire you through our website!