Dear Veronica,
I have to thank you for the exellent work you have done in the preparation of the proposal. Thanks for your patience and support. I'm confident we'll get together soon to start a very fruitful work. 
Have a nice summer!

El 20/08/2014, a les 16.26, "Veronica Raker" <> va escriure:
Dear all,

I'm happy to say that we successfully submitted the proposal. Since the pdf is relatively large and can't be reduced, I added it to our (now empty) dropbox; otherwise, you can download it from the participant portal or ask me to email it to you. 

Thanks a lot for the great effort, also on behalf of Xavier! It was fun working together with you, and we appreciated your willingness to collaborate on this proposal preparation.

I hope to see you at the kick-off meeting in Barcelona! :-)


Veronica A. Raker, Ph.D. 
Scientific Project Manager
International and Scientific Affairs
Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) 

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