Hello all,

Here are the minutes of our brief analysis group TC of July 26th. The next call will be on August 9th, in two weeks. As today, we'll continue that with a QC call (if Peter is available).

- Tuuli gave a brief update on QC and will send around a sample information sheet with information of which samples to use in analysis
- The Leiden group is interested in analyzing expression of transposons - it seems to be variable between individuals and could be used as a quantitative trait in eQTL analysis. Despite the repetitiveness there is a fair number of reads mapping to these loci, but care should be takes to about allele-specific mapping bias. Peter will be in touch with Daniela whose n-TAR analysis might be related to this.
- Tuuli, Manolis and Natalja have talked about suggesting a collaboration to Paul Flicek's group regarding sharing and visualizing our data in the Ensembl browser.
- The wiki is read-only right now and our data is being transferred to a new system. Gabrielle will let us know when it's done

We continued with a smaller group to discuss the QC companion paper:
- Peter has gone through earlier presentations about QC, and Tuuli will send him the latest results
- Peter has been in touch with Olof and Jonas, who have promised contribute both analysis and writing to the QC paper
- Peter will put together an outline of the paper and the analyses, send around an email to ask who wants to be involved in the QC paper, and then we can assign analyses to specific people
- There might be some competition on the QC front from other RNAseq consortia. We could discuss with editors in advance, around September when we have a better idea of the structure of the paper. Nature Biotechnology might be a good journal to start from. Tuuli will discuss this with Manolis.

best regards,

Tuuli Lappalainen, PhD
Department of Genetic Medicine and Development
University of Geneva Medical School
CMU / Rue Michel-Servet 1
1211 Geneva 4
Tel. +41-(0)22-3795550
On 7/26/12 10:06 AM, Tuuli Lappalainen wrote:
Hello all,

We're having a Geuvadis RNAseq analysis group call today (July 26th) at 

Many people are on holidays, and we don't have a presentation scheduled 
for today, but let's have at least a short call to catch up on any 
analysis updates.

After that we'll continue to discuss the QC companion paper.

Call details are:
from outside spain; 0034917911859
from spain; 900800678
Access code; 3160100

best regards,