the presentation for tomorrow about diff expression and exon inclusion.


On 09/12/12 10:33, Tuuli Lappalainen wrote:

We'll have Geuvadis analysis group TC on Thursday 12th of September at 2pm CET.

On the agenda:
- Analysis updates (see below)
- Data visualization and Ensembl collaboration
- Pedro will present on differential expression analysis

Call details - different from the usual!
Germany         +49 692 573 804 41
Netherlands         +31 108 920 271
Spain         +34 931 816 661
Sweden         +46 840 309 949
Switzerland         +41 58 262 07 22
United Kingdom         +44 203 370 57 19
United States         +1 646 381 08 89
Access code: 611683

For your information, I have my knee surgery scheduled for this Friday. I'll probably be offline only for a couple of days, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to work that much next week. Thus, if you need some feedback or data from me, let me know now so we can try to sort it out before the surgery.

We need to start wrapping up the analysis soon to put the paper together. Thus I'd like to ask you to give brief summary on the stage of your analysis - what you've been doing, are what kind of things are still pending, and when you would be ready to present the result and hand results and text over to me. Below is a list of analyses/people from the paper outline - if your name is there but you won't be on the call, please send the info to the analysis group mailing list before the call.

-  QC
    - Jonas, Olof, Peter, Tuuli
- Differential expression
    - Pedro
- mRNA qualitative/quantitative variation
    - Jean, Mar
    - Tuuli
- Splicing variation
    - Micha
- Soft splicing
    - Matthias
- miRNA-mRNA interactions
    - Marc, Henk?
- RNA editing
    - Thomas W
- Conjoined genes
    - Liliana
- n-TARs
    - Daniela
- Transcription of repeats
    - Peter/Irina
- QTLs
    - Tuuli
- Loss-of-function
    - Manny
- Data visualization
    - Natalja

best regards,

Tuuli Lappalainen, PhD
Department of Genetic Medicine and Development
University of Geneva Medical School
CMU / Rue Michel-Servet 1
1211 Geneva 4
Tel. +41-(0)22-3795550

Pedro G. Ferreira - Post Doctoral Researcher
Genome Bioinformatics Research Group - CRG
PRBB, Aiguader 88, 08003 Barcelona - Spain
http://genome.imim.es  http://www.prbb.org

Phone (ES): (+34) 663 581 042
Phone (PT): (+351) 965 534 524