
I won't be available on the 21st at 15h, but Esther will conduct the preliminary QC for Barcelona, so she can explain me later.

Best wishes,

Sergi Beltran Agulló
Bioinformatics Analysis Group
CNAG - National Center for Genomic Analysis
Parc Científic Barcelona - Torre I
Baldiri i Reixac 4, 2a p. 
08028 Barcelona

On 02/17/2012 03:54 PM, Tuuli Lappalainen wrote:

Thanks a lot Matthias, this is great analysis.

In Geneva we will run another round of sequencing for our samples to increase the coverage. I hope that Leiden, Uppsala and Munich have miRNA data available really soon for QC, since the quality seems quite variable and reruns may be necessary.

We just agreed to have an additional call on Tuesday (21st) at 3pm to discuss the practicalities of miRNAseq quality with Philip, Matthias, Marc and Esther. If someone else wants to attend, just let me know. Of course we'll discuss the miRNAs also on the analysis group call next Thursday.

best regards,

Tuuli Lappalainen, PhD
Department of Genetic Medicine and Development
University of Geneva Medical School
CMU / Rue Michel-Servet 1
1211 Geneva 4
Tel. +41-(0)22-3795550

On 2/17/12 3:31 PM, Matthias Barann wrote:
Dear all,

here is our analysis of the miRNA samples of 4 institutes (UNIGE, MPIMG, ICMB, CNAG, see attatched pdf file).

This is basically what I did:
1. trim reads to 36 bp (prinseq).
2. remove adapter sequence (cutadapt), split into trimmed reads and untrimmed reads
3. remove polyA tails (cutadapt)
4. map trimmed reads against genome and miRNA reference (the one from the FTP server).
5. count reads per miRNA

There are larger differences considering the amount of adapter sequences within the samples and the library diversity.

best wishes,


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