Hello all,

The latest updates on the Geuvadis quantification data front:

Gene, exon and transcript quantifications
- the raw quantification data files of all 667 samples are available as before, unchanged
- I changed the library depth normalization from what I uploaded a few days ago - please don't use the old files.
- the normalized files now include only the 662 samples that we'll use in analysis

Intron and junction quantifications
- Micha's group has produced the quantifications: intron and junction read counts, and fractions of intron coverage
- The available files are
    - raw gtf files, one per individual
    - tab-separated tables of the read counts and coverages: raw counts in 667 samples, and library depth normalized counts in 662 samples

The directory is /upload/geuvadis/wp4_rnaseq/main_project/analysis_data/quantification/ . See the readmes for details.

A word about library depth normalization: before I normalized the exon quantifications by the total number of exonic reads. However, this is not a good correction for intronic reads, and for the sake of consistency I wanted to normalize exon, intron and junction quantifications by the same factor - thus, they are now all normalized by the total number of well mapped reads (mapped, properly paired, MAPQ>150, NM<=6).

Have a nice weekend,

Tuuli Lappalainen, PhD
Department of Genetic Medicine and Development
University of Geneva Medical School
CMU / Rue Michel-Servet 1
1211 Geneva 4
Tel. +41-(0)22-3795550