
So, I'd like to ask all the labs that have miRNA data to upload 3 fastq files to the ftp site.

I just uploaded our files, and I'll be expecting files from Barcelona (Marta/Esther/Sergi), Berlin (Marc), Kiel (Matthias). Does Munich have miRNA data? Please do this asap.

Detailed instructions:
- upload to ftp-private.ebi.ac.uk/upload/geuvadis/wp4_rnaseq/main_project/working/miRNA_QC . User geuvadis, password k2vP3kjJ .
- to make the file processing easy, please name the fastq files according to the naming instructions:
    SAMPLE_ID.SeqLabNumber.MI_YYMMDD_Lane_1.fastq.gz . The lab numbers are: Geneva=1, Barcelona=2, Berlin=3, Kiel=4, Munich=5. E.g. one of our files is HG00096.1.MI_120104_4_1.fastq.gz
- choose 3 random files, or pick ones that have a little bit different numbers of total reads
- upload also a readme file with at least your name and email and the read length
- use raw fastq files without any adaptor trimming, or if you want, you can trim all the reads to 36 bp


Tuuli Lappalainen, PhD
Department of Genetic Medicine and Development
University of Geneva Medical School
CMU / Rue Michel-Servet 1
1211 Geneva 4
Tel. +41-(0)22-3795550