Tuuli Lappalainen, PhD
Department of Genetic Medicine and Development
University of Geneva Medical School
CMU / Rue Michel-Servet 1
1211 Geneva 4
Tel. +41-(0)22-3795550

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Geuvadis analysis group meeting in Geneva
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2012 11:28:49 +0200
From: Tuuli Lappalainen <Tuuli.Lappalainen@unige.ch>
To: Tuuli.Lappalainen@unige.ch, gabrielle.bertier@crg.es, olof.karlberg@medsci.uu.se, jean.monlong@crg.eu, p.a.c.hoen@lumc.nl, i.pulyakhina@lumc.nl, jonas.carlsson@medsci.uu.se, esther.lizano@crg.eu, natalja@ebi.ac.uk, pedro.ferreira@crg.es, marc.friedlaender@crg.eu, r.haesler@mucosa.de, m.barann@ikmb.uni-kiel.de, timstrom@helmholtz-muenchen.de, thomas.wieland@helmholtz-muenchen.de, thomas.schwarzmayr@helmholtz-muenchen.de, sultan@molgen.mpg.de, micha@sammeth.net, rivas@broadinstitute.org
CC: Ancilla Stefani <Ancilla.Stefani@unige.ch>


Thank you for registering for the Geuvadis analysis group meeting. We'll be 20 people in total, and I'm sure it will be a very productive meeting!

Some accommodation practicalities: Hotel Bel Esperance had some rooms available after all, so we decided to accommodate 4 people there - thus far we put Esther, Marc F., Peter and Irina there, but if you prefer Adriatica we can change this. If someone doesn't have accommodation arranged yet: we have one extra room booked at Bel Esperance, and we can give this to you if you let me and/or our admin assistant Ancilla (ancilla.stefani@unige.ch) know by April 11.

The program draft is below, and we'll discuss it on the analysis group TC today. Please let me know if you have schedule conflicts or other suggestions. This is an informal meeting, so we can also change the times on the fly if needed.

I will send a document with the final program and info on practicalities this weekend.

best regards,

Monday, April 16
11 -12 am Geuvadis RNAseq project: Background, aims and data
12 am -12:30 pm  Lunch
12:30 – 2:30pm Presentation by the labs: Ideas, interests, analysis plans and approaches. 10-25 min each + discussion




2:30 -3 pm Coffee
3 -5 pm Presentation by the labs:






5 - 5:30 pm Wrap-up
8 pm Dinner at Restaurant Demi-Lune

Tuesday, April 17
9 -11:30 am Building an analysis plan
11:30 -12:30 am Lunch
12:30 – 2:30 pm Building an analysis plan
2:30 – 3 pm Coffee
3 – 3:30 pm Wrap-up

Questions for Tuesday:

-       What are the essential analyses that must be done? What else will we do? What are the high-priority analyses?

-       How do we integrate the different data types?

-       What kind of data types/formats are needed for the analyses? Sharing of tools and data?

-       Who will take the lead of each analysis module? Who else wants to be involved/informed?

-       What are the analyses to do for the Biology of Genomes poster?

-       Timelines and deadlines

-       Future meetings

-       Communication: TCs, mailing lists, wiki, skype

Tuuli Lappalainen, PhD
Department of Genetic Medicine and Development
University of Geneva Medical School
CMU / Rue Michel-Servet 1
1211 Geneva 4
Tel. +41-(0)22-3795550