Dear all,

As the date for our first Annual Meeting is approaching, please find below important information regarding its organisation:

1.     Registration: Please complete the registration form before next Monday October 10th.

2.     Interim Report: As decided by the Management Committee, all PIs should prepare a very short scientific and financial report to be submitted to the SAB and the EU Officer. You'll receive a specific email with instructions.

3.     Call for abstracts: The Management Committee has decided to open a call for abstracts for the Meeting. This call is open to the whole GEUVADIS community. The 2 best abstracts will be selected for oral presentation on 28th November afternoon. The 5 next ones will be selected for posters presentation. Abstracts submission deadline: Sunday October 30th.

4.     Presentations and posters:

a.     All WPL should prepare a 20 mins presentation highlighting main results from the project.

b.    All posters made quoting GEUVADIS should be brought to the Meeting.

5.     Practical information: all the information is accessible on our intranet dedicated page. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have troubles entering the intranet. Information on accommodation will be delivered next week, after the registration deadline


For any enquiry please let me know.


Kind regards,



--> Registration form full link:

--> Abstract submission full link:



Gabrielle Bertier

Scientific Project Manager
International Collaboration Office
CRG, Center for Genomic Regulation
Carrer Dr. Aiguader, 88

08003 Barcelona, Espaņa
Tel: +34933160374
Mobile: +34639960656
