FYI; This course is open to maximum of 10 GEUVADIS participants.

From: Shen Huei-Yi <>

Date: 22 de julio de 2011 13:50:39 GMT+02:00

To: "" <>

Subject: [Everyone] REMINDER: Registration deadline August 8th -ENGAGE RNA-seq Course, 12th-13th September 2011, EBI, Hinxton, UK

Dear all,


We would like to remind you that there are only two weeks left to sign up for the ENGAGE RNA-seq course to be held on 12th-13th September at EBI, Hinxton, UK. The registration deadline is 8th of August.


The course with covers data analysis of RNA-Seq experiments including topics on: short read alignment, data handling and visualisation, region identification, differential expression, data quality assessment and statistical analysis, using R/Bioconductor. This course is recommended for advanced PhD students and post-doctoral researchers who are applying or planning to apply high throughput sequencing technologies and bioinformatics methods in their research. Both lecture and practical sessions are included in the program.


Invited Speakers:

•Peter ‘t Hoen, Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands

•Angela Goncalves, EBI-EMBL, UK

•Mar Gonzales Porta, EBI-EMBL, UK

•Thomas J. Hardcastle, Cambridge University, UK

•Gabriella Rustici, EBI-EMBL, UK


More details on the program, please visit the course webpage at:


Link to the registration page:


Best regards,

Huei-yi and Maxine

Huei-yi Shen, PhD
Project Coordinator
Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland FIMM, University of Helsinki
National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
Tel: +358-20-610 8334; Fax: +358-20-610 8480;