Tuuli. Fine 96. 

El 07/10/2011, a les 11:27, "Tuuli Lappalainen" <Tuuli.Lappalainen@unige.ch> va escriure:
Dear all,

Mathias suggested that we could adjust the sample counts in different labs to multiplies to 12, 24 or 48. Would that make the sample processing easier in your lab?

Below are the sample allocations:
    - the original allocation is what we have agreed on
    - we also agreed that in addition to that, 5 samples would be sequenced in every lab. However, there are 18 cell lines out of the         total 500 that we haven't been able to obtain/grow, so the second column contains the counts adjusted by these numbers. 
     - the third column has the suggested adjustment to even numbers. It would be a bit less sequencing for most of the labs, and a          bit more for Geneva.

Please let me know as soon as possible if you think we should adjust the allocations. For most of the labs the numbers would change only little. 

best regards,

original +duplicates -dropoffs adjusted
UNIGE 130 130 157
CRG 100 102 96
MPIMG 70 73 72
HMGU 50 53 48
UU 50 53 48
LUMC 50 53 48
ICMB 50 53 48
total 500 517 517

Tuuli Lappalainen, PhD
Department of Genetic Medicine and Development
University of Geneva Medical School
CMU / Rue Michel-Servet 1
1211 Geneva 4
Tel. +41-(0)22-3795550
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