Dear all,

We will have a Geuvadis RNAseq workpackage call on Friday October 19th at 4pm CET.

- Update on the analysis
- Outlines of the papers:
    - main paper
    - QC companion
    - splicing companion
    - loss-of-function companion
- Publication and authorship

Call details:
Germany         +49 692 573 804 41
Netherlands         +31 108 920 271
Spain         +34 931 816 661
Sweden         +46 840 309 949
Switzerland         +41 58 262 07 22
United Kingdom         +44 203 370 57 19
United States         +1 646 381 08 89
Access code: 611683

People calling from CRG: Recently there have been some problems in calling to the Spanish number above. The problem seems to be in your end, and Gabrielle is checking what can be done. If it doesn't work, please call e.g. to the German number.

best regards,

Tuuli Lappalainen, PhD
Department of Genetic Medicine and Development
University of Geneva Medical School
CMU / Rue Michel-Servet 1
1211 Geneva 4
Tel. +41-(0)22-3795550