FYI - Here is the information for the GEUVADIS Annual Meeting during which the results of all project WP will be presented.

Kind regards,



From: Gabrielle Anne Bertier
Subject: Registration - GEUVADIS AM 2012: 29-31/10/2012 - Santiago de Compostela


Dear all,


Please find here the registration form for our next Annual Meeting; to be filled in before August 31st 2012.

Here is a draft programme for the meeting:


GEUVADIS Annual Meeting 2 - Santiago de Compostela - 29-31 October 2012


Sunday 28 October - 20:00 - Welcome dinner

Monday 29 October - 09:00 - 18:00 - GEUVADIS Annual Meeting, WP updates and feedback from SAB.


Tuesday 30 October  - 09:00 - Wednesday 31 October -13:00

Workshop: Exome sequencing data storage, sharing and analysis: from National to European standards.


If you want to be involved in the organization of this workshop, or suggest speakers please let me know.

Let me know if anything remains unclear,

Kind regards,



PS: registration form full link:


Gabrielle Bertier

Scientific Project Manager
International Collaboration Office
CRG, Center for Genomic Regulation
Carrer Dr. Aiguader, 88

08003 Barcelona, Espaņa
Tel: +34933160374
Mobile: +34639960656
