Hello all,

After some thought we've decided to add a couple of names to the author list of the LoF abstract.

Our initial author list included people who are contributing specifically to LoF analysis, Natalja and Thasso for processing of the entire dataset, and the PIs and the Geuvadis Consortium representing the data. But it's fair to include one analysis person from all the labs on behalf of the data production, so we added Marc, Matthias, Olof, and Monkol from Daniel's lab.

Thus, the latest version of the author list is the following:
Manuel A Rivas, Tuuli Lappalainen, Michael Sammeth, Daniel MacArthur, Natalja Kurbatova, Thomas Wieland, Monkol Lek, Thasso Griebel, Matthias Barann, Marc Sultan, Olof Karlberg, Peter AC ‘t Hoen, Tim Strom, Stefan Schreiber, Hans Lehrach,  Stylianos Antonarakis, Gert-Jan van Ommen, Ralf Sudbrak, Robert Häsler, Alvis Brazma, Ann-Christine Syvanen, Philip Rosenstiel, Thomas Meitinger, Roderic Guigo, Ivo Gut, Xavier Estivill, Mark McCarthy, Emmanouil T Dermitzakis, The Geuvadis Consortium

best regards,

Le 01-06-12, Manuel Rivas <rivas@broadinstitute.org> a écrit :

Attached is an abstract that I am planning to submit on behalf of the project on loss of variants and their effect on the transcriptome. Please do send any comments you may have by Monday, June 4th.

Best Regards,
Manuel Rivas