Dear all, here are a few announcements for the summer:


1) Report

I uploaded and officially sent the new version of the mid-term report to the EC. Let's see if they accept it this time !


2) Annual Meeting

-As you know, our next Annual Meeting will take place in Santiago de Compostela on October 29-31. All information is now available on the dedicated page of our intranet. Don't forget to register here before the end of the month. Note that all labs should be represented by at least one person.

- Please note that we will have two Special attendees to our meeting and workshop:

            - Pui-Yan Kwok (USF) as our Scientific Advisor

            - Patrik Kolar, head of the personalized medicine unit at the Health directorate of the EC.

- We are setting up the workshop on day 2 and 3 of the annual meeting on the following theme: Exome seq data storage, sharing and analysis: from National to European standards. To collect quantitative and qualitative data on NGS data use in Europe, we have set up a survey (word file attached), to be distributed to a maximum of institutions using NGS for research/clinical purposes. We plan to distribute this survey before the end of the month, so please let me know if you have any comment on the content, and if you want access to the online version to have an idea of the format.


3) Events announcements


- GEUVADIS/ENGAGE Course announcement, to be passed on to your labs:

With sponsoring from the ENGAGE and GEUVADIS consortia, partners EBI and LUMC are organizing a course on RNA-seq data analysis for participants from both EU consortia.

The course will be held from December 4-6, 2012 at the EBI campus, in Hinxton, UK.

It involves a three-day program with lectures and many hands-on sessions covering the following topics: introduction to RNA-seq technology, quality assessment, alignment tools, statistical analysis of differential expression, eQTL analysis, miRNA-seq and archiving of RNA-seq data. For a full program and speakers, please visit the website:

The course is aimed at PhD students and postdocs that have familiarity with the technology and the biological use cases of high throughput sequencing . Experience in R is desirable.

Registration costs including housing and meals are £150. You can register here:


- ENGAGE Workshop announcement, to be passed on to your labs:

We are organizing a scientific conference "From Genetic Discovery to Future Health" as a closure highlight for our EU-funded project the 'European Network for Genetic and Genomic Epidemiology' (ENGAGE Consortium, website: to be held on November 15th, 2012 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. This scientific conference is open to the wider scientific community with aims to (a) share ENGAGE experiences through presenting the project results and (b) involve leaders from related fields in dialogue to maximise the translational opportunities afforded by basic science discovery.

Please find attached the conference flyer for details. The participation is free of charge but registration is required prior to the deadline.



- Note that I will be out of office until the August 20th, and then from August 31st to September 12th.


I wish you a very nice summer,

Kind regards,




Gabrielle Bertier

Scientific Project Manager
International and Scientific Affairs
CRG, Center for Genomic Regulation
Carrer Dr. Aiguader, 88

08003 Barcelona, España
Tel: +34933160374
Mobile: +34639960656
