Dear all,

We now have a mailing list for the Geuvadis RNAseq Analysis Group: . You can join by emailing Gabrielle (

Everyone who would like to participate in the RNAseq data analysis is invited to join - this will be a huge dataset with possibilities to analyze all kinds of cool things. It's important that we have many people with different areas of expertise contributing to the analysis, so that we can get as much as possible out of the data. PI's please see if there are members of your lab that are not on this RNAseq mailing list, but who could be involved the analysis group.

The members of the analysis group will be listed in our wiki - please go and add your interests and areas of expertise in "Partners and contact info -> Analysis group" . I hope to meet many of you in Toulouse as well.

best regards,

Tuuli Lappalainen, PhD
Department of Genetic Medicine and Development
University of Geneva Medical School
CMU / Rue Michel-Servet 1
1211 Geneva 4
Tel. +41-(0)22-3795550