Dear Geuvadis colleagues,
Before the summer vacations started I sent out a survey, see mail below, and so far it is only LUMC (Leiden) who has answered.
I therefor kindly remind the rest of you to please answer it and send to me as soon as conveniently possible.

than you and kind regards

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Geuvadis_rnaseq] GEUVADIS QC survey
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 16:59:25 +0200
From: Mathias Brännvall <>
To: <>, <>

Dear colleagues,
Here at last is the QC-survey for geuvadis. I kindly ask each partner to answer it and send back to me by 11 August at the latest.
As the survey covers both laboratory details and bioinformatics I suggest that each principal investigator at each site delegates the task to the appropriate person(s).

For question 11 and 22: You don't have to describe every data analysis pipeline you have, that would be to much to ask. Please choose one or two you use the most and/or one that you have particular expertise in.

Please don't hesitate to ask me if there is something that is unclear.

Thank you and best summer greetings to all of you.


Mathias Brännvall, PhD
Project coordinator
Dept. of Medical Sciences, sect. Molecular Medicine, 
Uppsala University
Akademiska sjukhuset, ing. 70, 3 tr

phone:  +46-(0)18-6114934
mobile: +46-(0)70-1679446
