Dear all,

The Geuvadis RNAseq Nature paper has been scheduled for advance online publication on September 15 at 1800 London time, 1900 CET, which is the time the embargo is lifted.

A couple of points about the media strategy:
- The international press release: we're coordinating this together with UNIGE and EBI/EMBL press offices
- Local press releases: those of you who are planning to send out a local PR, please make sure that: 1) your press office receives the instructions from the Nature press office (copypasted below) and the embargo is respected, 2) your press release is distributed only nationally, and 3) you send a copy of your press release to me, Manolis and Gabrielle.
- Social media: after the embargo is lifted, you're free (and encouraged) to advertise the paper on twitter, facebook, your website/blog, etc. On twitter, please use hashtag #geuvadis; I'll be posting under @tuuliel.
- If you come across any substantial criticism or questions regarding the paper in the blogosphere or elsewhere, please let me and Manolis know so that we can formulate a response together.

best regards,

Your paper 'Transcriptome and genome sequencing uncovers functional variation in humans' has been scheduled for Advance Online Publication (AOP) on on 15 September 2013 at 1800 London time / 1300 US Eastern Time. The embargo will lift at this time. Please forward this information to any co-authors.

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On /24/713 10:49 AM, Tuuli Lappalainen wrote:
Dear all,

It is my great pleasure to tell you that the Geuvadis RNAseq paper has been accepted in Nature!

Needless to say, I'm extremely happy to finally be at this point, and to be able to thank all of you for your contributions. We wouldn't be here without the hard work from all of you, the huge pool of scientific expertise and insight, and the collaborative spirit that we've had in this project. Please pass my thanks also to technicians and other members of your lab who contributed to this work.

It was a really enjoyable experience to work with all of you, and I hope that this will inspire many other collaborations amongst us. I had a lot of fun and I hope you did too! But the most important thing is that I think we can all be proud of the outcome. It's a great paper and a great data set that make an important contribution to the field.

We're now going through some final formatting edits, and we'll be in touch about press releases, publication and embargo dates, etc. when we know more. Feel free to share the news with close colleagues, but please don't advertise this yet in the public domain such as social media. The companions papers are in a good shape too: we're waiting for the final confirmation of the acceptance of the QC paper in Nature Biotechnology so more good news will follow, and the splicing paper is under review in Genome Research.

best regards,

PS. Please note that my University of Geneva email address will not work for much longer (in case you didn't know, I'm spending this year at Stanford). Please use for future correspondence.

Tuuli Lappalainen, PhD
Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine
Tel: +1 415 351 9713
Bustamante lab
Department of Genetics
300 Pasteur Dr. Lane L301
Stanford, CA 94305-5120