Dear all,


All contents of the 10th CRG Annual Symposium on Computational Biology of Molecular Sequences, celebrated last 10th and 11th of November, are now available online.


Leading scientists in computational biology came together in Barcelona on the occasion of the tenth edition of the CRG Annual Symposium, which focused on computational biology of molecular sequences, organized by the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG). The auditorium of the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) hosted the event, celebrated from Thursday 10 to Friday 11 November 2011.


In the microsite you can find the inaugural video of the Symposium, videos of the talks, interviews with some of the speakers, participants and organizers of the event and two summary videos that capture the major points of all sessions. There are also available two articles that summarize the talks and news related to the field of computational biology of sequencing.


We hope that these resources are useful for you!


Click here to visit the 10th CRG Annual Symposium web.



Blanka Wysocka
Conference & Events Officer


CRG -Centre de Regulació Genòmica
Dr. Aiguader 88
08003 Barcelona

Ph: +34933160145
Fax: +34933969983


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