Dear participants,


See attached the final schedule of the Satellite Workshop: “Modeling 3D-Structure of Chromosomes”, which will take place on 21 and 22 September in the next venue:

PRBB Building

Marie Curie meeting room (ground floor)

Dr. Aiguader 88

08003 Barcelona


If you present a short talk:

Remember you have 10 minutes for your presentation + 5min for questions & answers. Whenever possible, please use the computer available at the venue (PC laptop with Windows). You can upload your presentation and check that it works correctly during the breaks.


Do not hesitate to contact me in case of any doubt.


Best regards,



PS: Important – Beware of pickpockets and robbers: Beautiful and cosmopolitan, Barcelona is one of the most visited cities in the world, with low rates of crime and delinquency. However during the last months, rates of pick pocketing and robbery (suitcases, purses, wallets, laptops..) have surprisingly increased. We strongly recommend you to be vigilant. As soon as you arrive in Barcelona, please check on your belongings while you wait for your luggage or the Aerobus, train or taxicab. Beware that nobody is standing next to you while waiting or walking on the streets mainly downtown. The new fashion is that burglars tend to dress like tourists to delude real ones. Do avoid looking at maps while you walk down the streets, don't wear eye-catching jewellery or watches.




Blanka Wysocka
Conference & Events Officer


CRG -Centre de Regulació Genòmica
Dr. Aiguader 88
08003 Barcelona

Ph: +34933160145
Fax: +34933969983


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