The SEBD offers two POSTDOCTORAL AWARDS for postdocs to present their
work as a oral presentation at the Postdoctoral Symposium in the IX
meeting of SEBD 2012,Granada, together with postdocs selected from SDB
and SPBD .
Applicants should submit an abstract of their work at Session
7-SEBD-SPBD-SDB Postdoctoral Symposium . The SEBD will refund meeting
registration and lodging to selected postdocs. Applications will be
selected on their scientific merit by the Scientific Committee.
Submitted your abstract till July 30, click here
<blocked::http://www.sebdgranada2012.com/abastract-submission.php> .
Instructions are simple to follow. In case you have any doubt, we kindly
ask you to contact the technical secretariat of the Meeting.
We remind you, that you can follow us in Facebook and check the last
news of the IX Meeting of the SEBD:
We look forward to your participation,
Technical Secretariat IX Meeting of the SEBD
MCI Madrid Office
www.mci-group.com/spain <http://www.mci-group.com/spain>
Tel: +34 914 009 384
C/ Sainz de Baranda 45 Bajo B 28009 Madrid